Sponsor A Child

Transformed Lives, Changed Communities

Our Current Efforts


<p>God has truly blessed the ministry of International Needs over the last 50 years. Thousands of people in the hardest-to-reach areas of the world have come to know Jesus Christ as their Savior. Praise God!<br /><br />But there are still 3.2 billion people who have never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ. Why? Barriers like geography, conflict, health, cultural norms, or religion stand in the way. <br /><br />International Needs is breaking these barriers with programs and partners that:</p> <ul><li>give children a promising future through education</li><li>empower parents with skills that earn money for their families</li><li>restore health with medical care and clean water</li><li>bring relief to refugees who are fleeing for their lives</li><li>evangelize and plant churches in heavily persecuted areas</li></ul><p>Join us as we prepare for the next 50 years in His service.</p>

Who We Are

We empower leaders in their own countries to fulfill community needs within five service areas:

International Needs reaches out through local leaders to make an impact in:

16 Countries
300,000 People

Current Efforts

Save a child from forced marriage or child labor

<p>Our community workers strive to reach unserved populations where Christian persecution is rampant. <br /></p> <p><br />A fully funded worker will reach on average 3,000 people each year; currently, we're on track to reach over 200,000! <br /></p> <p><br />Please help fund our workers as they spread the gospel with a designated gift!</p>


Total Raised:$500.00

Goal: $30,000.00


Recent Impact

  • Zambia Education

    God Has Not Forsaken Them

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  • Uganda Gospel Outreach

    Take This Child

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  • Slovakia Gospel Outreach

    Atheist Punk Rocker Finds Jesus Christ

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