Sponsor A Child


Hi, I'm Chaitonno! I like to play badminton and cricket.

  • Bangladesh Country

  • 16 Years Old Current Age

  • 10/14/2008 Birthday

Chaitonno lives with his mother and father in a one room hut made of bamboo and wood in a slum area of Bangladesh. Chaitonno's father sells fish door to door, and his mother is a housewife. They work hard, but they need help to send Chaitonno to school. His parents are grateful to the International Needs Ministry. Art class is Chaitonno's favorite subject at school.

Chaitonno has the opportunity to study at the Naogaon Slum School. An education is so important because it helps to break the cycle of poverty and give hope for a brighter future. Sponsorship provides children with an education, a school uniform and supplies, a warm meal, medical care, and they are lovingly taught the Word of God at the International Needs Naogaon Slum School in Bangladesh.

Gender: male


Sponsor Chaitonno

You can sponsor Chaitonno today, and provide hope for a brighter future for only $38 per month.