Sponsor A Child


Hi, I'm Clara! I love to dance!

  • Ghana Country

  • 13 Years Old Current Age

  • 7/6/2011 Birthday

Clara lives with her parents and three siblings in a home made of mud bricks and a roof made of an iron sheet. They live in Mepe, in the Volta region of Ghana. Her parents earn low incomes in their work as a driver and a seamstress. Although Clara’s father is a driver, he does not have a car of his own. He is only able to earn an income on the days that he is able to rent a car. Keeping all four of their children in school is really difficult for them. Supporting Clara will lesson the burden on her parents and allow her to be in school consistently.

Families in Ghana face poverty, malnutrition, child labor, and disease. An education gives children hope for a promising future. Your love and support would provide this child in Ghana with a quality education, school supplies, Christian nurture, Bible teaching, and medical care.

Gender: female


Sponsor Clara

You can sponsor Clara today, and provide hope for a brighter future for only $38 per month.