Sponsor A Child


I love playing dodge ball! English is my favorite subject in school.

  • Uganda Country

  • 15 Years Old Current Age

  • 11/18/2008 Birthday

Patricia lives with her parents and her five siblings in the Kiyindi community of Uganda, on the shore of Lake Victoria. Patricia's father is a shop attendant and her mother takes care of their home and children. They both work very hard, but are only able to earn a small income. With such a large family they have a hard time making ends meet and need help to afford an education for Patricia. Patricia helps at home by washing the dishes. Uganda is a country plagued by poverty, famine, malaria, and AIDS. An education helps children to break free from poverty so they can have hope for a fulfilling future. Sponsorship provides food, clothing, a Christian education, medical check-ups, biblical teaching, and Christian nurture.

Gender: female


Sponsor Patricia

You can sponsor Patricia today, and provide hope for a brighter future for only $38 per month.