Sponsor A Child


Hi, I'm Paula! I like to play volleyball and listen to music!

  • Colombia Country

  • 21 Years Old Current Age

  • 3/17/2003 Birthday

Paula lives with her parents and her three siblings in a slum called La Playa, on the outskirts of Barranquilla. Her father is a salesman and her mother is a homemaker, but their family income is very low and they are struggling to provide for their family and send Paula to school. An education is so important because it helps to break the cycle of poverty and give hope for a brighter future.

La Rosa de Saron is an educational outreach to a displaced community suffering from poverty and persecution. Children at the school receive quality education, school uniforms, health care and one hot meal per day. They are also lovingly taught the word of God.

Gender: female


Sponsor Paula

You can sponsor Paula today, and provide hope for a brighter future for only $38 per month.