Sponsor A Child


Hi, I'm Raymond. I love to study science and math.

  • Ghana Country

  • 23 Years Old Current Age

  • 1/10/2002 Birthday

Raymond lives with a guardian in the village of Mepe, in the Volta region of Ghana. His parents recently moved away from Mepe in order to seek a better income to support their children, including Raymond and his two younger brothers. Raymond is in grade 6 and is very punctual to school even though he has a 3 kilometer walk from home to school. Raymond dreams of becoming a doctor in the future and he is one of the best science students in class.

Families in Ghana face poverty, malnutrition, child labor, and disease. Education gives children hope for a promising future. Your love and support would provide this child in Ghana with a quality education, school supplies, Christian nurture, Bible teaching, and medical care.

Gender: male


Sponsor Raymond

You can sponsor Raymond today, and provide hope for a brighter future for only $38 per month.