Sponsor A Child


I love to play ball games. I like to count!

  • Uganda Country

  • 13 Years Old Current Age

  • 4/4/2011 Birthday

Ruth lives with her parents, three brothers, and four sisters, in the community of Lugazi, Uganda. Her father is a casual laborer, finding work on a daily basis, wherever he can. Her mother is a peasant farmer, working a small plot of land to feed her family. This family has many children to look after but there is not a stable source of income, therefore they find it very hard to pay for their children's education. Ruth's family lives in a mud brick made house. They are able to get clean water from a well that is 1 km away from their home. Ruth helps her mother with the cooking.

Uganda is a country plagued by poverty, famine, malaria, and AIDS. An education helps children to break free from poverty so they can have hope for a fulfilling future. Sponsorship provides food, clothing, a Christian education, medical check-ups, biblical teaching, and Christian nurture.

Gender: female


Sponsor Ruth

You can sponsor Ruth today, and provide hope for a brighter future for only $38 per month.